Quality Framework

Rideau Community Health Services is committed to providing the highest quality of care to clients, which includes the delivery of effective and safe programs and services that are reflected in our culture. We work to support improved outcomes that align with the client, family, and community needs. 

Our Quality Framework demonstrates that we prioritize our commitment towards the advancement of high quality and safe programs and services for our staff, our community, and our clients.

Quality Improvement Plan

Annually, Rideau Community Health Services develops a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) in collaboration with Ontario Health. The QIP covers our successes and lessons learned from the previous year's efforts as well as our action plans outlined for the year to come. 

View RCHS' Quality Improvement Plan for 2024 - 2025 here.

Past Quality Improvement Plans:

Health & Safety Statement

Rideau Community Health Services is committed to the health and safety of its employees. Protection of our people from injury, psychological stressors or occupational disease remains our focus. Commitment to health and safety must form an integral part of this organization, from the Chief Executive Officer to the workers which is evidences in our Annual Health & Safety Statement.

Health Promotion Framework

As defined by the World Health Organization, health promotion enables people to increase control over their own health. It covers a wide range of social and environmental interventions that are designed to benefit and protect individual people’s health and quality of life by addressing and preventing the root causes of ill health, not just focusing on treatment and cure.

The programs and services offered at RCHS are grounded in the basic strategies for health promotion as identified in the Ottawa Charter:

  • Advocate (to boost the factors which encourage health)
  • Enable (allowing all people to achieve health equity)
  • Mediate (through collaboration across all sectors)

Health Promotion is embedded in all disciplines and across all programs within RCHS. The Health Promotion Framework reflects RCHS’s Strategic Plan and in conjunction with the other guiding frameworks (Advocacy, Risk/Quality/Safety) serves as an essential document to support the creation of an RCHS Health Promotion Strategy. The Health Promotion Strategy will contribute to program planning and the annual Operational Planning process.

View RCHS' Health Promotion Framework here.

Health Promotion Strategy

In alignment with RCHS’ Strategic Plan (2021 -2026), the health promotion strategy strives to uphold RCHS’ mission to engage individuals, agencies, and partners to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities by supporting RCHS’ vision for working together building healthy communities. To accomplish this, the health promotion strategy focuses on initiatives that will further our understanding of clients and community members, create opportunities to increase community collaboration and partnerships, and assess and evaluate current programs and services. The health promotion strategy will incorporate the Model of Health and Wellbeing in conjunction with RCHS’ Health Promotion Framework, Advocacy Framework, Integrated Risk, Quality and Safety Framework, Operational Plan (2024) and Strategic Plan (2021-2026).

View RCHS' Health Promotion Strategy here.